Wet And Cold For A Change

It’s been our third consecutive day of rain, and while I appreciate the cool weather it brought as a result, the same could not be said about our laundry.  It’s already the start of a new week, and the covers and sheets are still not dry, and what short reprieve we had from the rains this afternoon wasn’t enough.  This extends to my shoulder bag, which is also still out there.  I guess there’s no bringing a packed lunch with me for now.  

That little hitch aside, it’s still a slow start to the week, with the only real thing of note being how I had to help my dad again empty the pails we had under our roof before they overflowed.  The rest of my daytime was spent on, you guessed it, gaming and internet.

As for my work though… our bosses at Minneapolis expect us early and logged in already by nine-thirty Philippine time, and ready to take in calls by ten.  They really must be expecting a torrent of calls in the wake of the long Fourth of July weekend.  It’s to be expected, but the question here is by how much?  Not looking forward to it though, either way.

Anime Watched: Touhou: Memories of Phantasm episode 5.

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