February Morning Shuffle

Y’know, I prepared a big thermos’ worth of hot water this afternoon, just to be able to bath this morning. It still almost wasn’t enough; even after pouring it into the pail of water sitting in the bath room, the most that it could do was make it slightly lukewarm instead of ice-cold.

Oh well, at least it was enough that I could also shampoo my hair instead of just the usual soap-and-rinse. My scalp’s been feeling itchy over the past day, and the shampoo was a relief, let me tell you.

As for the other parts of my day? Hmm, well we were flying solo at work yesterday, as our team lead had a whole week’s off. Yes, we were left to our own devices, and the lack of oversight led to the usual habits coming out from the team, mainly tardies. There were even reports of rudeness, which made me break out in cold sweat, as my tone of voice usually could easily be misunderstood as such.

That aside, I’ve been finishing the online courses at a good clip. Just have two left, then I have to find an online source for advanced excel use next.

Oh, and on the family side, my uncle (my mum’s younger brother) went home to Bacolod early today. He figured that ot would be much better waiting there for the deployment orders from his company (he was the chief cook and seaman) than just sitting around here twiddling his thumbs (and taking his anti-cholesterol and blood pressure medicine).

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