Finally Took That Plunge

So after several months of dithering, I finally decided to get the WordPress app for my phone. This should make it more convenient for me to keep my online journal updated, as I have no excuse now to not do so, as I could bring WordPress with me even at work.

So what have I been up to these days? Well, shivering mostly during mornings, as February’s been a really cold month for the Philippines so far. It’s come to the point that I have to have a big thermos ready just to bathe, as the bath water’s ice cold. That said, it’s best to enjoy the chill now, as come March it’ll be all gone…

On the work aide of things, been chipping away at the online courses the company requires employees like me, who are interested in an eventual promotion, to finish. Doing them at a good clip, and Haruhi willing I should be able to finish them by the end of the week. They’ve been very informative, and also revealing, as through them I’ve finally come to realize just how big of a jerk I was at my previous company, and the responsibilities my previous team lead had, especially when he had such a trouble agent in yours truly to oversee.

Man, hindsight is really annoying.

On the hobby related side… The Kantai Collection seasonal event is here! It’s just that, at this rate, I might only be able to participate on the weekend. How things change, eh? Gonna try for a hard clear, in any case.

Gonna have to do editing on this once I get home, but yeah I’m back in the groove.

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