Sore In Unexpected Places

With the drawing I finished tonight, I'm pretty much done with the puella that appeared in the series proper of Madoka Magica.  I'm skipping out on all the public-domain puella (I'm looking at you Cleopatra, Joan of Arc, Himiko, Anne Frank), since none of their battle outfits were ever shown. So who do I have … Continue reading Sore In Unexpected Places

Rush and Recovery

Well that was annoying. I essentially spent the last hour trying to huriedly redo the lineart of something I'd been working since six in the evening, but which was lost due to a brief brownout (it was raining, so I should have suspected something like that).  Ugh.  Moral of the day?  Always, always, save your … Continue reading Rush and Recovery

Rainshowers and More Katawa Shoujo

It was surprising Sunday, at least as far as my usual day at the office went.  It wasn't headache-inducingly stressful at all, and the gap in between calls made it seem like what I'd expect on a Monday.  Okay, there were instances where the queue suddenly overflowed, but that only happened once or twice over … Continue reading Rainshowers and More Katawa Shoujo

Quick And Easily Done

It's was yet another slow day at the office, though honestly I don't mind that much.  It was rare enough to experience a weekday workshift where one wasn't stressed out of one's mind, so I figured it would be best to enjoy it while it lasted.  I figure it'll be a few more days like … Continue reading Quick And Easily Done

Not Quite Perfect, But Close Enough

What's there to say about the end of my work week?  As the title to the post says, it was as close to perfect as things could come given my line of work: the calls came in at a really casual pace, almost none of the customer service calls I received (of which there were … Continue reading Not Quite Perfect, But Close Enough

Most Welcome Break

Well the last day of my workweek turned out much better than even I expected yesterday.  Yes our queue was still as backed up as heck, but at the very least I took in more merchant calls that the ever-frustrating customer service calls.  I was even able to get a long breather, care of being … Continue reading Most Welcome Break

Adding To The Crowd

While it would be stretching things to say that the class today was exciting, I was able to learn just a few more things about screenplays, specifically how to start building up the 'meat' of your story from just the ending, the midpoint, and the beginning. Oh, and how to essentially summarize the plot of … Continue reading Adding To The Crowd

Not As Promised

There really isn't much I could share about my day, aside from the fact that the pain in my left foot only bothered me slightly less than it did yesterday. The siesta I had this afternoon helped a bit, and it's possible that it'll be okay by mid-week. I hope that'll be the case, as … Continue reading Not As Promised

Rained In Again

Since I already mailed my final project last night, I didn't have to go to school today... Which was just as well, as it was raining almost nonstop since early this morning. This is normal for the season though, but this pretty much meant that wasn't able to go running during the afternoon. Yes, I … Continue reading Rained In Again

Foggy or Smoggy?

Although it wasn't very cloudy today, for most of the morning the city (or at least the part visible from our office) seemed to be coated in a layer of fog.  I'm sure that some it was the normal smog you'd expect from a city this size, but I think some of it was brought … Continue reading Foggy or Smoggy?