A Near-Continuous Flood of Voices

Today was not one of those nicer work shifts, as far as work experiences go.  The calls seemed unending, and this time around the queue only started to peter out around noon.  It’s kind of a throwback to when I was almost literally flying solo during Sundays (Saturdays US-time), but it’s one that I’d have rather lived without.  Really, it’s never fun if all you get out of a workday was just stress and frustration.

All that aside, I didn’t go immediately home after my shift, and instead made a detour to the SM-Makati/Glorietta area to do some relatively-late Christmas shopping.  Since I wasn’t again sure what the rest of the folk at home wanted (and they sure weren’t talking), I just went by my old fall-back item: books.  So it’s a book for my father, sister, and cousin.  I bought a set of giftwrap as well, so I’ll get to wrapping the stuff after I finish this entry.

Incidentally I was once again alone at home once I got back.  Apparently both my cousin and my sister ran off again to do something, so it was a little quiet and not a little bit lonely.  Regardless of what I keep on telling myself, I can never get used to being all on my one in the house… Thankfully a surprise call from my mom helped with that a little, though it did make me wonder why she would call so relatively late (early over there at Turlock, mind) in the day.

 I didn’t jump into bed immediately as one would expect I would after such a stressful day (that would come a little later), and instead just fired up my video player on my desktop and watched a few episodes of shows I knew would either make me laugh, or help me relax a little.  You’d expect ARIA or something, but this time around I opted for something more recent, with a few episodes of Ikoku Meiro no Croisee/Crossroads in the Foreign Labirynth intersped with Shinryaku! Ika Musume?! and Working’!!  Incidentally there’s been a surprising amount of development in the latter, which is kind of refreshing for what’s mostly a sitcom set most of the time in a restaurant.

It was only after I had my fill of (funny and relaxing) stuff watched for the afternoon that I even thought of taking a nap.  Time well-spent, I have to say.

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