Apply And Pay

It was enrollment today, or at least for those like me who missed the ultra-early-we-don't-have-your-grades-yet-but-we'll-do-it-anyway online adjustment done at the start of the month.  Although it likely didn't make my team lead any happy, I missed work to be able to devote my full attention to it.  It was a good thing too, as I … Continue reading Apply And Pay

A Near-Continuous Flood of Voices

Today was not one of those nicer work shifts, as far as work experiences go.  The calls seemed unending, and this time around the queue only started to peter out around noon.  It's kind of a throwback to when I was almost literally flying solo during Sundays (Saturdays US-time), but it's one that I'd have … Continue reading A Near-Continuous Flood of Voices

Weekend Worries, Again

I went jogging again this afternoon, but not before listening in to what seems to be the first SCCSAV Karaoke Festival.  While I was once more unable to actually join in the fun of actually singing something, it was funny listening to everyone else do so (all twenty-one of them!).  If it wasn't due to … Continue reading Weekend Worries, Again